Camping, hiking, and other outdoor activities were a normal part of my life growing up, and for a long time I assumed it was this way for everyone. As I got older, I realized more and more that it was not. Many of the people I knew had only done things like this a few times or never at all. Why would this be? Outdoor gear is expensive. Whether you are buying name brand or not, acquiring all the gear needed for an outdoor activity of any kind can add up quickly. This makes it inaccessible for many people. It can also be scary to try something like camping for the first time. But there are many benefits to being in nature. Empirical evidence is showing how valuable being in nature is for mental health (Bratman, et al, 2019). Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health issues have been on the rise (NIH, 2023) and now more than ever it is important to take care of your mental, as well as physical, wellbeing. With this in mind, how can we make outdoor activities, like camping, easier to participate in? Divvy is a brand whose mission is to make outdoor adventuring more affordable and accessible by connecting people who have gear with people who do not, fostering a community where novices can become comfortable with nature. It also seeks to encourage outdoor adventure by highlighting personal stories that convey the positive experiences people have had in nature. Though the target target audience is primarily young adults ranging from ages 18-30, ultimately it is for anyone who wants to get outside. Through this platform, Divvy’s goal is to connect people with nature, and people with people.

On the main page of the website, the gear page, users can list items they would like to have available for rent,. They are able to block off any dates that the gear is unavailable. While they choose what price to list the gear under, Divvy will give suggestions, based on the item, that would aim to make renting through the site as affordable as possible. Other users can search in their area for the gear they need and connect with people to rent from.

The third main function of Divvy’s website is the stories page. Here users can post personal anecdotes and stories of their adventure in nature. This page serves as an opportunity to hear about new hiking spots or to ease someone’s fears about trying something for the first time.

Another feature of the website is found on the connect page. Here people can post events and invite people to join. This can be anything from a group outing to campfire building class. In the side bar users can easily see if friends of theirs have made a post, and those will show up first in their feed.